Because of the free-cost and high quality of the gnu copmpilers, a significant amount of software has been developed for and compiled with the g77 compiler. A tar file of the final realease of g77 compiled for OS X exists at High Performance Computing for Mac OS X. Download g77-intel-bin.tar.gz (Intel Mac only) or g77-bin.tar.gz (PowerPC only).

  1. Installing Fink Cernlib And G77 For Mac Download Anyway this solved all of the strange things that I could not understand.Now my custom kernel works perfectly:^) I had to reinstall the whole systemwith a smaller partition: this limitation does not apply to New World machineswith OpenFirmware versions = 2.x.
  2. Download g77 download for windows for free. G77 installer for windows. Here is the g77 installer for windows you must rename gfortran.exe to g77.exe in the 'bin' folder after installation for this to work with PDL!

Eclipse Lunaire is a Fortran IDE based on Eclipse and the CDT. It includes:

  • A keyword-highlighting Fortran editor
  • CVS support
  • Debugging via a GUI interface to gdb
  • Makefile-based compilation (compiler independence)
  • Error extraction for several popular Fortran compilers
Download Eclipse Lunaire. Eclipse Lunaire 2.1 for Eclipse 3.0 is now available for Linux, Windows, Solaris, and Mac OS X 10.3. There are also several screenshots available.

Eclipse Lunaire is being developed at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. For further information, contact: Brian Foote, Ralph Johnson, Jeff Overbey or Spiros Xanthos.
Support. The Eclipse Lunaire effort is being supported by IBM under the aegis of the PERCS project. An Eclipse Technology PMC submission is currently under review.

Supported Platforms

Eclipse Lunaire is currently available for Linux, Windows, Solaris, and Mac OS X 10.3; it runs under Eclipse 3.0.

Supported Platforms/Compilers

Intel 8.xC, D, E
Intel 7.xC
g95C, (D), EC, EC, (D), EC
g77C, EC, EC, D, EC
LaheyC, ¬, EC, ¬, EC, ¬, E
FC, D, EC, EC, E
Portland GroupC

C: Compiler has been tested and works.
D: Basic debugging under gdb has been tested and works.
(D): Debugging works, although there are some obvious quirks.
¬: Debugging under gdb does not work.
E: An error parser (which displays compile errors in the Problems view) is included in Eclipse Lunaire.

Intel Fortran Compilers
g95 Compiler
GNU g77 Compiler
Lahey Fortran Compilers
F Compilers
Sun F95
Portland Group Fortran Compilers

Eclipse Lunaire Screenshots

Eclipse Lunaire 2.1 for Eclipse 3.0:

  • Editing a Fortran file (also illustrates error parsing)
  • Debugging with gdb (Windows XP)
  • Setting Fortran editing preferences (Windows XP)
  • Viewing a file's CVS history
  • Creating a new Fortran 90 project
  • Running a Fortran program (Solaris)

Previous release (Eclipse Lunaire 1.2 for Eclipse 2.1):

  • Video demonstration (13MB zipped AVI)
  • Editing and running a Fortran program
  • Building a Fortran program using make
  • Debugging with GDB

Download Eclipse Lunaire

Eclipse Lunaire is currently available for Linux, Windows, Solaris, and Mac OS X 10.3; it runs under Eclipse 3.0.


Eclipse Lunaire is available in two flavors. The full archive contains the Eclipse Platform 3.0.1 with Eclipse Lunaire preinstalled. Simply decompress the downloaded file, then run the included eclipse executable. If, instead, you want to add Eclipse Lunaire to an existing Eclipse 3.0.1 installation in, say, /usr/local/eclipse, then unzip the Eclipse Lunaire Feature archive in /usr/local/eclipse to add the Eclipse Lunaire feature to your installation.

You will need to have a make utility and Fortran compiler in your system path in order to compile and build Fortran programs.

Current Release - Eclipse 3.0


Full releases include Eclipse 3.0:

  • Full Eclipse Lunaire 2.1.0 for Linux/GTK
  • Full Eclipse Lunaire 2.1.0 for Windows
  • Full Eclipse Lunaire 2.1.0 for Solaris
  • Full Eclipse Lunaire 2.1.0 for Mac OS X

Feature for existing Eclipse installations:

  • Eclipse Lunaire Feature 2.1.0 for Eclipse 3.0.1

Our previous release, Eclipse Lunaire 1.2.0, runs under Eclipse 2.1.3.

  • Full Eclipse Lunaire 1.2.0 for Linux/GTK (with Eclipse 2.1.3)
  • Full Eclipse Lunaire 1.2.0 for Windows (with Eclipse 2.1.3)
  • Eclipse Lunaire Feature 1.2.0 for Eclipse 2.1.3

Eclipse Lunaire Mailing Lists

There are currently two Eclipse Lunaire mailing lists open to the public.
New releases of Eclipse Lunaire are announced on the very low volume Eclipse Lunaire-announce mailing list.

General discussion about Eclipse Lunaire is encouraged on the more active Eclipse Lunaire mailing list.


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What is Eclipse?

Eclipse is an open source community whose projects are focused on providing a vendor-neutral open development platform and application frameworks for building software. The Eclipse Foundation is a not-for-profit corporation formed to advance the creation, evolution, promotion, and support of the Eclipse Platform and to cultivate both an open source community and an ecosystem of complementary products, capabilities, and services.

As it says in the Purposes section of the Foundation’s Bylaws:

The purpose of Eclipse Foundation Inc.,(the 'Eclipse Foundation'), is to advance the creation, evolution, promotion, and support of the Eclipse Platform and to cultivate both an open source community and an ecosystem of complementary products, capabilities, and services.
Eclipse has formed an independent open eco-system around royalty-free technology and a universal platform for tools integration. Eclipse based tools give developers freedom of choice in a multi-language, multi-platform, multi-vendor environment. Eclipse provides a plug-in based framework that makes it easier to create, integrate and utilize software tools, saving time and money. By collaborating and exploiting core integration technology, tool producers can leverage platform reuse and concentrate on core competencies to create new development technology. The Eclipse Platform is written in the Java language and comes with extensive plug-in construction toolkits and examples. It has already been deployed on a range of development workstations including Linux, HP-UX, AIX, Solaris, QNX, Mac OS X and Windows based systems. A full description of the Eclipse community and white papers documenting the design and use of the Eclipse Platform are available at

You can learn more about the structure and mission of the Eclipse Foundation by reading the formal documents that establish how the foundation operates, and by reading the press release announcing the creation of the independent organization. Solidworks human body model download.

For software licensing, website terms of use, and legal FAQs, please see our legal stuff page. Eclipse logos and graphics are found on our eclipse logos page.

History of Eclipse

Industry leaders Borland, IBM, MERANT, QNX Software Systems, Rational Software, Red Hat, SuSE, TogetherSoft and Webgain formed the initial Board of Stewards in November 2001. By the end of 2003, this initial consortium had grown to over 80 members.

On Feb 2, 2004 the Eclipse Board of Stewards announced Eclipse’s reorganization into a not-for-profit corporation. Originally a consortium that formed when IBM released the Eclipse Platform into Open Source, Eclipse became an independent body that will drive the platform’s evolution to benefit the providers of software development offerings and end-users. All technology and source code provided to and developed by this fast-growing community is made available royalty-free via the Eclipse Public License.

With the change to an independent not-for-profit corporation, a full-time Eclipse management organization has been established to engage with commercial developers and consumers, academic and research institutions, standards bodies, tool interoperability groups and individual developers, plus coordinate the open source projects. To maintain a reliable and accessible development roadmap, a set of councils (Requirements, Architecture and Planning) will guide the development done by Eclipse Open Source projects. With the support of over 115 member companies, Eclipse already hosts 9 major Open Source projects that include a total of over 50 subprojects.

To oversee and staff this new management organization, Eclipse has established a Board of Directors drawn from four classes of membership: Strategic Developers, Strategic Consumers, Add-in Providers and Open Source project leaders.

Developers and Strategic Consumers hold seats on this Board, as do representatives elected by Add-in Providers and Open Source project leaders. Strategic Developers, Strategic Consumers and Add-in Providers contribute annual dues. The founding Strategic Developers and Strategic Consumers are Ericsson, HP, IBM, Intel, MontaVista Software, QNX, SAP and Serena Software. In August 2004, Actuate joined the Eclipse Board as a Strategic Developer.

In the Eclipse Platform, code access and use is controlled through the Eclipse Public License, which allows individuals to create derivative works with worldwide re-distribution rights that are royalty free. Those who use the Eclipse Platform may also want to use one or more of the official Eclipse logos found on our artwork page.

My experiences in installing IPOPT on Mac OS X

by Peter Carbonetto
Dept. of Computer Science
University of British Columbia

IPOPT is asoftware package for solving nonlinear objectives subject to nonlinearconstraints. It uses primal-dual interior pointmethodology. Importantly, it is open source.

After a great deal of time and trouble, I managed to get in workingon my laptop which is running the Mac OS X operating system.1 In the following, I detail myexperiences in installing the IPOPT package.

Succinctly put, the configure script did not work for IPOPT, so Ihad to install everything from scratch. While this was really quite alabourous process, I didn't know any other way of installing thepackage. On the bright side, I learned a lot about compiling fortranand C++, and linking object code, libraries and executables

1. Installing the Fortran compiler

The first problem I encounter is that I do not have a Fortran 77compiler installed on my machine. I do have the GNU C and C++compilers installed on my computer already (the programsgcc and g++), but the Fortran 77 compiler isalso needed to compile the BLAS, LAPACK and HSL routines. A lot ofpeople are upset that the GNU Fortran compiler g77 wasnot included with the AppleDeveloper Tools because installing it ourselves causes many extraheadaches. But we'll have to make do.

There are several ways I can install a Fortran compiler. One is bydownloading GNU Fortran compiler from the High Performance Computingwebpage. Another route is to install g77 via Fink. Instead, I'm going tofollow the route that gives me the most control: I will download andbuild the entire GNUCompiler Collection (GCC), then put the necessary files in theappropriate places. Even though this route is considerably morecomplicated, it will allow me to ensure that I have the correctversion of the compiler. You see, since I'm running Mac OS X 10.3.9 Ialready have gcc 3.3 installed on my computer in the/usr/bin/ directory. (It is easy to check the version bytyping gcc --version.) It is important that the compilersI'm using all belong from the same collection otherwise it is verylikely that I will undercover linking errors. I've decided todownload GCC 3.3.6 from my local university FTP mirror.

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It is crucial that I do not follow the default installationfor GCC, because I may end up overwriting important files. The GCCinstallation instructions advise the same thing. Suppose that I'vechosen to install to the directorygcc-install. I've done so simply by passingthe option --prefix=gcc-install to theconfigure script. After following the correctinstallation steps and waiting a couple hours for the entire packageto be built, I now have a whole bunch of files and subdirectories ingcc-install. I'm only really interested inthe programs and libraries necessary for compiling and linking Fortrancode. I start by installing the Fortran 77 compiler with thecommand

In the end, I had installed the following files:

2. Building the BLAS, LAPACK and HSL libraries

Now that I have a Fortran 77 compiler installed on my system, Iproceed to build the libraries needed by IPOPT from scratch. First, Idownload the latest BLAS and LAPACK tarballs from the Netlib FTP repository. The BLASpackage just consists of a bunch of Fortran files. I compile each ofthe individual files into object code, starting with the filecaxpy.f:

This creates an object file caxpy.o. The rest of thefiles are compiled similarly. If you want to produce a shared library,you will want to include the -fPIC option. Also, I'venoticed that the -fexceptions option should not be usedas it causes linking errors down the road. Once I've compiled all theFortran code, I create a static library via the following commands:

I create the LAPACK library in precisely the same fashion, with thesame options passed to g77. The only difference is thatthe files in the LAPACK tarball are strewn about in varioussubdirectories. In brief, the quickest way to build the LAPACK libraryis to use the existing Makefile and type

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at the command prompt with lapack/SRC being thecurrent directory. Before we do that, however, we need to modify a fewof the options passed to the Makefile. First, I movelapack/ tolapack/ Looking at this file, I see that itspecifies among other things the program used to compile the Fortrancode, which is g77, exactly as I want it. Near the bottomof this text file, I change the variable LAPACKLIB to

Now, I can type the make command in theSRC subdirectory and it should proceed to automaticallycreate the library (this takes about ten minutes on my computer).

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Lastly, I create a library with the HSL subroutines. Afterfollowing the instructions in the IPOPT document for downloading thecode from the HSL Archive, I create the library with the followingcommands:

Now I'm ready to create the IPOPT library.

3. Building the IPOPT library

I will elect not to follow the standard installation instructions(since they didn't work) and instead build the IPOPT library byhand. Basically, I'm going to follow almost the same steps as I didbefore. The trickiest part is that I need to modify the fileIpopt/inc/config_ipopt.h manually; the configure scriptdoes this automatically. My file looked like

Next, I compile the C and C++ source files into object files. Forinstance, a create the object file IpAdaptiveMuUpdate.owith the command

where ipopt-include-dir is the directory containingall the .h and .hpp header files. And soon. Once I've compiled all the source files, I create the staticlibrary with the commands

Note that in most cases it will not make sense to archiveall the object files into the library. For instance, youshould not include IpMa57TSolverInterface.o unless youhave downloaded that solver (I didn't). By the same token, I didn'tinclude the code for interfacing with the AMPL and CUTEr.

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4. Testing the installation with an example

I can't be positive that we built the libraries correctly withouttrying to run a program that actually uses IPOPT. I try the Hock andSchittkowski nonlinear programming test example no. 71, which isincluded with the IPOPT tarball. After copying all the staticlibraries to libhome, I compile and link the codewith the following sequence of commands:

Now have a program which is executed by typing./hs071. Note that the order in which I included theobject files and libraries in the above lines is important. Theg2c library helps us link the Fortran object code to theC++ object code (recall that I placed this library in/usr/lib).


1 More precisely, I'm using MacOS X version 10.3.9 (Panther), and I have a PowerPC G4 processor. Youmay find that the steps I follow apply to your system, even if itisn't the same process or version of the operating system.